Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Update #1

Hi there,

This is the first of hopefully many updates as we work toward getting Sarah Rou a Medical Visa. So the first step has began with the process of tracking down her parents and making contact. We just met with them about a hour ago, people they said YES!. Please continue pray for this process cause they need to sign the medical release and be flown to PAP to get Sarah her passport and birth certificate. What is tugging on my heart now is weather or not I should fly with them in being Sarah guardian. I am about to look into my finances because I struggle over handing off my beautiful special needs baby girl for a day, I worry about her feeding and such.

So, now that the ball on this end in Haiti is rolling I have to work on state side on finding her medical help. So yea the proces is going! Thank you both for your prayers!

In Him Always,

Courtney Pierce

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