Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mild Stone

Well would you take a look at that, it has been 30 days since my departure from the states to Haiti. 30 days of my new life here, where I have learned to find my HAPPY DANCE beat in laughter, love, friends, faith, new understanding and a BIG God. 30 days in keeping that beat through frustration, lost, anger and sadness. It has been 30 days and I can tell you that there is nothing that can ever be given to me to ever exchange those 30 days here in Haiti and the days to come. It is 30 days that I cherish oh so much! Thanks for making it this far with me.

1 comment:

Debbie B said...

Your 30th day seems brighter than your 1st. Has God changed your circumstance or has God changed how you view your circumstance? Maybe a little of both. God is good and I am thankful he has been an agent of change for you. God Bless you.