Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hello Everyone!
So, I have some exciting news then backed with MAJOR need of
PRAYER! So, as you all know I have been taking care of Sarah Rou my
beautiful baby girl wh who has possible Trisomy 13 (she has not been
officially tested but multiple doctors have responded with Trisomy 13)
and with that a medical list, we are both living in Haiti. I got her
when she was 2 days old. It is seen that is she stays in Haiti
without any major medical attention (in which we cannot provide here)
she is going to die. I got permission today to start fighting to get
her a medical VISA and bring her to the states ( I live in Southern
California) for the month of December to get for sure a MRI of her
brain, and ECHO of her heart and an ultra sound of her heart and
ultimately a plan for allowing her to live to the fullness. This also
opens up getting her official medical record so finding someone to
operate on her hair lip and cleft palate later on in life is a lot
easier. So, if you can please join me in massive prayer over this
little angel, seeing how the months are ahead of us in finding right
connections hopefully a great big answers of yes. Below I am pasting
all the steps I was told I needed to follow in order for this to
succeed, if any of you have advices, or connections to medical or
ect. it would be a total blessing! Thank you all for just lettingme
come to you with this!


STEP 2 -
Send for the parents and have a meeting with them and T-man and
Elveus. Explain to them what you're doing - don't ever talk about
adoption with them (that's when they'll start talking about money).
Simply say you're trying to get her medical care so she can live.
Tell her without it - she will die. That sort of thing. It might
motivate the mother to actually get the ID card and she'll have to
make a trip to PAP to work on the passport.

3) Talk to T-man. He just got a medical visa for his daughter and
then he's working on one for a girl in the orphanage right now. He
can help you get started on a passport.
So - for passports you need a birth certificate and you need for one
of the parents to have an ID card. If they don't have one - then
they'll need to apply for one.

4) Medical visas are hard to get - these are the papers that you need
to really focus on right now as they are working on the passport -
1) Letter from a Hospital - it's an acceptance letter saying they are
willing to accept her free of charge. The most important part of the
letter - NO USE OF TAX OR GOVT MONEY WILL BE USED. Make sure you have
that stated somewhere in the letter.
2) If you're not going to put her in the hospital - then you need to
get the specialists who are running the tests to agree to do the
services for free or they must state a charge. YOu have to get papers
that say the tests are free and so is the service. IT has to talk
about no use of tax/govt funds. (THat's basically all the embassy
cares about that we're not sending foreigners to the states for
medical care and using USD to do it with!)
3) If you're getting grants - then you need that paper as well.
4) They're going to need a paper of "responsiblity". Let's say your
parents say they will cover all room and board for this little baby
when she comes to the states. Have them write that paper - get it
notarized and then have them include a bank statement.
5) I can write a paper on behalf of the mission.

The paper of responsiblity, the paper I write - those are easy and
gives confidence to the Embassy.

The papers that are hard to get are the ones with the tests. So work
your hardest on that - write everyone you know. Try to get any papers
you can about free tests (even if it's not exactly all the tests she
needs). WHen they see her at the Embassy - and see how bad her mouth
is - they're going to be harder on you about those papers. I know
because with Gigi they sent me back 3 times to get more papers. I
learned from that and was able to do much better with the other girls.

Also - there is a Pediatric Doctor in Port-de-Paix. He's Haitian.
Take Sara to see him and he will have to write a paper saying what is
wrong with her and that there is nothing they can do for her there in
Haiti. That if she doesn't go to the states she will die. This is
what we did.

So when it's all said and done you have these papers:
1) Paper of Responsibility for Room/Board/Traveling fees
2) Paper from the mission
3) Paper from haitian doctor
4) Paper from stateside doctor (willing to see her free of charge or
for a fee that you can prove you can cover).
5) Paper from specialists that are willing to see her
6) Paper from mother that she's giving you responisibility to make
all medical decisions for Sara. (I almost forgot about that one -
it's important too).
7) Letter of recommendation about YOU as the caregiver. Maybe Melissa
Curtice can write it and says you've been taking care of her for
months. Her writing as a medical professional about your ability to
care for this baby and her needs when she's in the states.

What you're trying to do is bombard them with papers and papers so
that even if you're missing something they see everything you have
already and might let it slide. I was missing something for Mikela
once and yet I had all these other papers and they said they felt
confident enough to let her go with me. You might want to write a
letter too about how she has changed your life - etc. Again - the
more papers the better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.