Saturday, August 23, 2008


The simple tune to the classic birthday song ran through my head… well it was like someone snuck in a hit repeat without my okay but either way I found my self humming it from the hours of 9:30 at night to 6 this morning as I held, soothed and explained to Sarah that it was really okay if she wanted to embrace sleep. This simple tune took the edge off not having any sleep at 6:30 when life around the campus was coming to life and Sarah was dead a sleep in my arms. I realized that simple tune had great meaning today… my Sarah Rou is ONE MONTH OLD! So, instead of waiting a year to celebrate the life of my Sarah I am going to do it in months and if it needed even in weeks or days. So, in this HAPPY BIRTHDAY baby girl!

1 comment:

Bunny Sharp said...

Hi again, Well I read your blog about Sarah Rou's condition and have now gone on a few of the links and although at first, I felt depressed as I know you were, but I just looked at a site with a picture of a 6 year old little girl with Trisomy13. So, I choose to stand on the side of HOPE and TRUST! We will rejoice with you for each new "birthday" for your sweet little girl and watch expectantly to see what our mighty God has planned for her life and for yours. Boy, you must be holding tightly to His promises to sustain and strengthen you. It's interesting that my plan today was to search out how many times He tells us to "fear not" that He is with us, for when I lead our ABF's prayer time tomorrow. I will start praying and claiming these promises for you my sweet little friend! I am so glad God sent you to love Sarah!