Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Baby Girl

My beautiful little girl left me for the arms of my Jesus today. So I had to say good bye to my daughter and everything hurts at the moment. I have been blessed to be her mommy and meet so many people through her. She will forever be my girl! She has taught me so much in the short time she has been here. She taught me how to love no matter what but also to be loved no matter what. Thank you all for being part of little sarah's life, Love you all!


Bunny Sharp said...

Hi Sweet Girl, Once again we are grieving with you, but giving thanks for her Sarah Rou's short but meaningful life. She touch so many hearts. You were the best Mommie this little one could have and I know without a doubt that God sent you to each other for His own perfect purposes. I am trying to remind myself that Jude and Sarah Rou are together again and both are perfect and whole. You are definitely in my prayers and that Jesus will hold you as close as he is holding these babies. I so admire you and the love you are giving to His little ones. Lean on Him , Courtney, and let His peace surround you. You are loved so very much!

Suzanna said...

I'm praying for you Courtney

jennnowell said...

Precious Courtney... My heart is so broken for you. Although I have not been in touch I have certainly been keeping up with you and the journey the lord has sent you on. I know Precious Baby Sarah Rou is being held so perfectly in the arms of the Lord. She may have only been here on earth for what seemed like a second, but sometimes the Lord sends precious ones like her for only a moment to teach us a special kind of love or to show us something special. Please keep your eyes focused on him and be thankful for the precious time you had with her. I can not even imagine the pain your precious heart is going through and there are so many things we just simply don't understand. Don't try, just rememember what an incredible blessing you where to that precious little one and what an incredible blessing she was to you. God may have seen something ahead in her life that you simply couldn't see something that could have been far more painful than the time she had here. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and will pray that God heals your heart quickly so that you can continue to do his work. I know there are many others there who need you as well. Keep going on your journey. I love you so much!
Jennifer Nowell