Monday, October 27, 2008

Definition of Love

So, over lunch I got the joy of holding this brand new baby girl while the designated team member to watch over this little bundle ate lunch. She is brand new to this world but not seen as making it. Her story is that her mom passed away and the Mission stepped in to make sure she would not die being alone. I held this little one in my arms and internally smiled. She has no hands and no feet and for what I was told a disfugured tongue and people she is gorgeous! In holding her for those few short minutes I got my definition of LOVE tweaked just a little more toward Jesus' definition. What kept running through my mind while I held her and watched her struggle was- “If you decide to join my Sarah and Jude in Heaven what a beautiful team of angles you guys will be!” The real definition of LOVE is in these little ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hold fast to your heart dear one. Ne told me yesterday that if I hold Sarah in my belly then her and Ruby could be in Haiti together. Doesn't make much sense to most...but for comes close to the most beautiful thing i've ever heard. God always knows what he is doing.
love you and miss you,